"Your Success Type is The Creator"


Congratulations! You’ll receive your results by email, but while you wait, allow me to tell you a little bit about your results so you can take action immediately.


Based on your answers, the highest leverage goal for you to focus on right now is to Create a New Product or Service. Right now you're "The Creator" and your job is to capture your inspiration and give it to the world. Below are the 5 steps to create a professional product or service and get customers. These steps are not random, but are the result of years of research on thousands of successful people that made it through this stage of business and beyond. Take notes. This will guide you on your way to financial freedom in your life. These steps are like a map. Use it to find where you are, if you missed something, or what to do next.


The first step in your map is to know the problem you want to solve for your customers and this map today takes you all the way to getting consistent clients and making profit. By the time you implement what you learn today, you’ll be ready to focus on growing your business so that it covers your life’s expenses.


Giving your gift to the world, running a new business, can be… overwhelming. It’s easy to feel confused with all the different things to focus on. But the reality is that in business you can only really focus on a few things at a time and if you focus on the wrong things it could harm or even end your business. Many of the “right things” to focus on aren’t obvious and most people make the same series of business-ending mistakes when they start.


Luckily, while there’s an art to growing and scaling a successful business, enough people have done it throughout history to make it a science… We made this quiz to teach you this science and give you guidance on the most important thing to focus on in your business right now.


Success in your stage of business is mostly the result of one thing, making consistent money each month by selling your product (physical products, recorded courses, books, things that don’t take your time to deliver) and service (coaching, consulting, things that take your time to deliver). In just a few minutes you’ll have a full road map, a sense for where you are and what you have to do next to create your own life changing product or service. Let’s begin with the fastest way to make consistent money…


Anyone can make money, but making money every month consistently usually takes skill and experience. And making money consistently is the goal. To be your own boss and successfully run your own business is empowering and free. If you have skill and experience, that’s great! But if you’re still working on that you’ll need to learn a few tricks to get you there so if you continue I want you to promise yourself that you’ll take action.


Step 1: How to Solve the Problems that Make Money


What problem do you want to solve? How would your customers describe their problem? It won’t help you much if you don’t know what you’re solving for your customers or if you solve a problem that nobody has. You’ll need to first learn how they describe their problem. If you know what you want to help people with, by far the easiest and fastest way to do that is by talking to people who have the problem you want to solve. This is your “ideal customer.” Talk to them in person or over the phone. Get on video chat if you can. Ask them about their challenges and write down their exact words. Repeat it back to them so they can confirm that it’s correct. Do this for at least 4 people but don’t spend too long on this. Get in, meet your future audience, find out how they describe their problems, and move on to Step 2.



Step 2: Perfecting Their Problem


If you want to have success, you need to know more about your customer’s problem than they know about it themselves. You have to be able to describe their problem in a way that only someone who actually has the problem themselves can understand: they have to feel the authenticity of your knowledge. Everyone tries this, thinks that they do this well, but what matters in business isn’t just doing it well but doing it better than all of your competitors. So how do you do this? Simple, with real deep comment research. To do simple deep comment research, go to Youtube and search for the problem you’re trying to solve for your customers. In a new tab, open each of the most popular videos and read through all of the comments. Take notes. Write down everything you learn about the way people describe their problem, the way they talk about the video, what they connect with and what irritates them. Do this with the top 5 videos you see and repeat it by searching posts on at least two social media platforms.


Once you’re finished, list the comments in order by how many times you saw the topic come up in your research, with the most popular comments at the top. Add this with the research you collected in Step 1 and you’ll be ready with everything you need to get your first customers. But, like all things in business, there’s a trick to getting your first customers rolling. But luckily, it’s simple to do and even simpler to learn. 


Getting your first clients can take years or it can take days. We prefer it to take days, though and we hope you feel the same. The science of making sales is centuries old and more study has been made in this area of psychology than any other. That means it’s been broken down into well tested strategies. The one you’re about to learn is the culmination of years of work and millions upon millions of dollars spent in research and testing. This strategy is the simplest way to make money and give your gift to the world without coming across as “salesy”.


Start by creating an “Application”. To do this you can simply go to google forms and create a new form. This form will be your application. The point of this application is to filter out the wrong people and filter in the right ones. It also creates a “frame” for them to interact with you as the expert. Imagine filling out an application to college, remember how much hope there is that this place will allow you to pay them hundreds of thousands of dollars? And guess what you do when you’re accepted to college? You celebrate, of course! What you are actually doing here is creating the same kind of interaction between your customers and you as they do with university. It creates anticipation, interest, and filters the right people in all at the same time. And it’s free and anyone can do it :)


On the form, make sure to start by asking for their name and then go straight into your application questions. There should be no more than 4 or 5 questions on your application. It usually works best if you let them reply with a long written answer instead of choosing multiple choice questions. There’s much to be said about the application to get it really perfect, but perfection is usually the enemy of progress so just get it good enough. At the end ask for their email addresses and phone number and then copy the link to your form.


If this all seems like a lot, I’ve got some good news for you. It’s very simple to see how it all works together. Click the next button and take a look at how you can drive visitors to your application that want to pay you for your services. And the best part is that you can do it for free.

You post on social media (or Youtube or anywhere) that you are offering services. Use your knowledge from the earlier research to craft this post so it speaks to your audience. In the post you put a link to your application and you tell them (directly in the post) to click on the application and fill it out.


Every day, you’ll check the application and go through any new applicants. When you find someone who has good answers to your questions (good = they can afford to pay you and they have the problem you’re solving) you’ll send a reply to them via email or text to schedule a time to talk on the phone for an interview. In the interview you can ask them further questions and get to know them before you decide if you want to let them pay you or not.


However there’s a secret to making consistent money every month with your new business… To get consistent customers, you have to ask for referrals that will pay you what you want to be paid. You can only ask for referrals, though, once you’ve mastered solving their problem. The secret is to give away your product for free to the first people that sign up until they start referring your services to the people they know. These first free customers are crucial for the success of your business. They will tell you when your coaching, services, or product are good enough to refer it to others. Without this you will likely release your product to a market of people who don’t care and aren’t interested. We call that a flop. A failure. You can’t be afraid of failure, but you don’t have to go looking for it either.


So give away your services for free until someone you are helping refers you to a friend and they pay you for your services. Once they pay you, you’ve now established yourself and your value in the market and you’ll be in a great place for success. There’s still a lot that can go wrong so it’s important to take the final step to solidify it all in place so your business doesn’t crumble the minute you stop hustling or take a break. The best way to keep it all going is to get comfortable being in the position of the leader, the guide, and the expert. In other words, “when you succeed, act like ya been there”. They want to work with someone who is fully immersed in their knowledge, growing and learning more all of the time. This is the reason why someone will pay you over and over again to help them. This is one big step in the direction of making regular money from your business and covering your life’s expenses doing only what you love. There’s an art to representing yourself and, like all things, there’s a trick to it…


Step 4: How to Look Like You’ve “Been There”


“Looking like you’ve been there” is just a way of saying “get comfortable in the captain's seat”. This might sound like a small thing but it will ruin your business and make you look like an imposter if you mess it up. If you want everything to go smoothly for you, you’ll need to act like a business owner. Everybody has crazy ideas of what they think this looks like, but the truth can only be found by interviewing hundreds of people who have found wild success in business. Luckily, many people have done this work for you so you don’t have to. The secret, it turns out, is hidden in Competitive Research.


Think about it. What do people do when they are on top of everything in life? Money, love, health, creativity, everything… Imagine what it would feel like to actually be there, yourself. The surprising thing about people at the top is that they focus almost all of their time on studying their competition.


This is easier than it sounds and most people make it complicated. Complicated stuff in your business will cause lots of surprise expenses that suck away your profit. The strategies and tactics for researching your competition is huge, but it can be useful even a newbie by showing you two actions that the pros do:


Know Their Funnels
Find your competitors and keep an eye on them. Go to their website and sign up for their mailing list or newsletter. Most companies, even the good ones, barely do an acceptable job with their funnels. An online funnel is any series of pages on your site that leads people to buy a product or service. That means you want to click on the ads of your competitors, go to their sites, copy the links at the top of every page, take pictures (screenshots) of every page. Visit them on mobile and on your desktop computer, document everything you find and keep it in a folder. Most people call this a “Swipe Folder” because it’s full of great ideas for your marketing. If other companies have figured it out, you want to model them first. Why reinvent the wheel?


Buy Their Product and Get to Know the Owner
This is a great investment. It usually costs very little to buy the product of your competitors and it gives you direct access to their sales process. You can literally copy these pages, change the theme so it matches your product, change the words and release it as your own. You will eventually change these pages into something of your own design, but to start, this can really get things rolling fast.


Ok, you’ve gone this far, picked up on some pretty cool tricks for getting your business running and covering your life’s expenses with it. That’s where the freedom of working for yourself really starts to settle into your life, when you can pay for everything you want to buy with the extra money you make from your business.

My greatest advice for you: Join a Good Business Coaching Group.

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Joshua Pellicer

Founder Business Hot Seat

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Ruble Chandy

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  • We love to convert “money” into “wealth” (know the difference?)
  • We are perfectly fine being outliers (even weirdos)
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